UK and Australia Join Forces to Combat Nuisance Calls and Cybercrime

The UK and Australia are collaborating to combat bothersome automated calls, unsolicited messages, and voice-based fraudulent schemes. A new accord has been established to facilitate information exchange and joint efforts in probing and addressing these troublesome callers, particularly those operating internationally.

This issue is widespread, as a recent Australian survey revealed that almost everyone in the country has been subjected to some type of unwelcome communication. The leaders of both the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office and Australia’s ACMA stressed the significance of global collaboration in tackling this worldwide concern.

The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and Australia’s Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) are tackling a comparable issue: businesses employing illicit calls and texts to reach individuals. This collaboration will aid these organizations in effectively executing their responsibilities.

Concerningly, more than one in ten Australians confess to engaging in online wagering within the last half-year, as per ACMA research. This signifies an increase from eight percent in 2020. These statistics originate from the “Australian Gambling Statistics” study carried out in June 2021.

Author of the posts

By Aria "Arrow" Richardson

With a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's in Public Relations, this skilled writer has a passion for using mathematical modeling and communication strategies to promote public understanding and engagement with the casino industry. They have expertise in optimization, crisis communication, and brand management, which they apply to the development of effective public relations campaigns and the management of casino reputations in the face of public scrutiny and controversy. Their articles and reviews provide readers with insights into the latest trends and best practices in casino public relations and the strategies used to build and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders and the public.

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